The Use of Task-Based Activities in Improving Active Listening Comprehension Skills of Grade 8 ESL Students


  • Renee Julia D. Blancaflor De La Salle University
  • Margarita Ines I. Mauleon De La Salle University
  • Jeanne F. Purpura De La Salle University



Social Learning Theory, Active Listening, Task-based Activities


Listening is a core receptive skill that facilitates language acquisition and proficiency, yet it is often neglected in the teaching and learning process. This research was conducted to investigate if there was any significant difference in the participants’ active listening comprehension skills before and after the implementation of the task-based activities anchored on the social learning theory. To achieve the research objectives, thirty 32 participants, 17 males, and 15 females were selected to participate and take the pre-and post-tests for Grades 9-10 adapted from the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC). Surveys, focus group discussions, and interviews were also conducted to identify and monitor any improvement in the participants’ active listening comprehension competencies. The quantitative results and analysis showed no significant difference in the pre-and post-tests. However, other findings indicate an important improvement in the participant’s behaviour as manifested in the FGD and interviews. This further implies that effective implementation of the SLT through TBAs could help language learners improve their active listening comprehension skills. English teachers may consider integrating real-life contexts in their classroom tasks to intensify dynamic and collaborative interactions using language-based instructions.

Author Biographies

Renee Julia D. Blancaflor, De La Salle University

Renee Julia Blancaflor was a Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English graduate at De La Salle University-Manila. She graduated Magna Cum Laude and her undergraduate action research paper was awarded best thesis. She is currently a middle school teacher in Agueda Iglesias Johnston Middle School in Guam, USA.

Margarita Ines I. Mauleon, De La Salle University

Margarita Ines I. Mauleon was a Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English graduate at De La Salle University-Manila. Her undergraduate action research paper was awarded best thesis. She is currently an ESL teacher in the Philippines.

Jeanne F. Purpura, De La Salle University

Jeanne Flores- Purpura is a faculty in the Department of English and Applied Linguistics of De La Salle University-Manila. She is currently the English Senior High School Coordinator of DLSU Integrated School. She teaches undergraduate courses and is a research adviser. Her research interests are: English Language Learning/Teaching, Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis.


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How to Cite

Renee Julia D. Blancaflor, Margarita Ines I. Mauleon, & Jeanne F. Purpura. (2021). The Use of Task-Based Activities in Improving Active Listening Comprehension Skills of Grade 8 ESL Students. Modern Journal of Studies in English Language Teaching and Literature, 3(1), 68–81.


